What Is Occupational Accident Insurance? – Auto Insurance

There are many things you can learn about cupsational insurance. The bottom line is that occupational accident insurance can ensure your company’s safety. What does this mean for your company and what do you need to know about it? Keep reading to find out.

We’ll begin by explaining the meaning behind what occupational accident insurance is. It’s a form of insurance that you provide to self-employed drivers through your company. The drivers have the choice of purchasing insurance.

The policies cover what? The policies usually cover accident loss and dismemberment, medical expenses, as well as accident-related disability. This type of policy will be activated by any accident occurring during the driver’s workday, which includes driving or other non-driving. For example, it would protect a driver if they were involved in a driving accident or were to get hit by another vehicle at an rest stop.

Therefore, why would you give occupational health insurance? Your company could be in trouble should you not offer the necessary insurance for contractors. In the event that a non-insured contractor driver gets injured and suffers an injury, they could take the law against your company for compensation.

Watch the video above to learn more about what occupational injury insurance covers, what it covers, and the benefits of offering it!
